An Encounter in Non-Standard Philosophy: Laruelle and the Kyoto School


This conference examines themes, methods and constructive possibilities linking François Laruelle’s non-standard philosophy with the work of the philosophers of the Kyoto School including but not limited to Kitarō Nishida, Hajime Tanabe, Jun Tosaka, Keiji Nishitani and Miki Kiyoshi. Topics for proposed papers are free to focus on metaphysical, epistemological, ethical or aesthetic questions and may involve comparative studies of Laruelle and specific thinkers from the Kyoto School regarding such themes as:

Shinran Buddhism
Radical Immanence
Sufficient Philosophy
Philosophical Decision
The Real and the One
Analyses of commonalities or points of divergence between the respective approaches, or connections between more recent applications of these distinct modes of thought are also appropriate. Papers that examine how the practices of thinking involved in Laruelle’s work and that of the Kyoto school transform traditional understandings of the act and content of philosophy are especially welcome.

14 / 02 / 2021

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